An exciting New Year for land reform 2016
Does it lie within the mischief of the Bill? Ross Finnie Crucial amendments over the last few weeks mean the Land Reform Bill is a...
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Does it lie within the mischief of the Bill? Ross Finnie Crucial amendments over the last few weeks mean the Land Reform Bill is a...
Critics fulminate while Government formulates The Scottish Government has repeatedly stated that ‘good landowners’ have nothing to fear...
Launched, debated and approved in principle We cannot roll back hundreds of years of history overnight and nor can we fix all problems in...
Don’t be satisfied with half measures of change, but to go in for what is your just and your natural right. Michael Davitt, Portree 1887....
Scotland had the most rapid urbanisation of any European nation in the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Its workers, its poor,...
The big asks – diversity, transparency and supportive land tax Scottish Government consultation (2 December 2014 – 10 February 2015)...
Too far or not far enough? The landlords have given to the people no satisfaction but have told us to have patience. We told them that...
Is it legitimate to disturb property rights? Is it legitimate not to? Dr Kirsteen Shields, New Statesman, 14 December 2015 The European...
Not even our rivers run free. Misquote from Mickey MacConnell’s 1965 song, Only Our Rivers Run Free The Scotland that lies under water...
Due to the debate about slavery and the link to associated statues there is also the link of slavery money funding huge land purchases...
Deer impact across Scotland Beyond the common grazing, on the deer ground they call Wild Land, that’s our domestic space. It is where we...
It’s the land. It is our wisdom. It’s the land. It shines us through. It’s the land. It feeds our children. It’s the land. You cannot own...
Land reform takes off 1999 to 2011 A remarkable degree of agreement is now developing about what needs to change and about the broad...
In winning the land, Assynt crofters have struck a historic blow for people on the land throughout the Highlands. Allan MacRae, Stoer...
Much has been said, written or sung of the land raid by seven Knoydart men who attempted to settle their families there in November 1948....
"Land, sky, and loch spoke of the vanished people and their last enterprise - their first and last, when far Lochaber almost imposed a...
Ach ‘s e sealladh leòinte is gann Tha an seo aig ceann thall an linn Talaimh à lainn nan daoine Fhathast an là mhan duine no dithis. But it...
Here's an introduction to Chapter 2. I'll be posting parts of it to explore in detail. Unveiling the Braes Monument 1980. Sandy Lindsay...
…I don’t like the spirit. It’s too dangerous in these unsettled times. Once [you] let the masses get into their heads that landed...
Despite it having been my plan for some years, retiring as an MSP was still a real wrench. This was eased somewhat by a sense of having...